We seek to provide a foundation for spiritual formation for children and their families. We believe in creating opportunities for worship, experience serving others, and resources to continue faith-filled conversations at home.
Faithful care for the whole family.

Children’s Christian Formation
Join us Sundays, September-May at 9:00 a.m. Children experience age-appropriate Bible stories, engaging activities, missions, music and much more!
Seasonal events include Advent Workshop, Lenten Workshop, Easter butterfly release, Pentecost Party, Children’s Christmas service, Trunk-or-Treat, On-the-Go Faith Bags, Summer at the Movies, Mystery Day, Vacation Bible School and more. Seasonal activities vary annually. Information is publicized via our newsletter, website, and Facebook.
Milestone Ministries and More
Our nursery is staffed by childcare professionals and volunteers in a safe and loving environment. Infants, toddlers, and Pre-K children enjoy a warm, welcoming space fully equipped with books, toys, music, and care essentials. Using the Growing in Grace and Gratitude curriculum, children hear Bible stories and participate in activities in a space designed for their curiosity and learning through play.
In our commitment to support and partner with families, we offer a special ministry to young families and their infant through 3 year old children: Splash!, by Augsburg-Fortress Publishing. At birth and one year, families receive a CD full of terrific music. Monthly parent pages provide information and support to parents as they minister to their child’s physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development.
Children Worship Too! is available for children and their parents each fall as children graduate from our nursery care into the sanctuary. Children and their families learn about worship in age-appropriate, hands-on ways that encourage children to become more engaged in worship.
An opportunity for for our 3rd grade children to introduce them to basics of using their Bibles. This engaging, age-appropriate class is an exciting experience full of games and activities that equip our children to confidently use their Bibles for a lifetime of study and worship. Personalized Bibles are presented to our 3rd graders during worship at the beginning of the program.